Friday, August 19, 2011

GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App

For This apk is: GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App In this article, we will cover the two ways you can install APK files to your Android phone and show you how to take advantage of the wide variety of third GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App Copy the APK file to your Android's memory card and insert the card into your phone. Download and install GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App.

Or if you Confuse how to Run the apk here the istructions.
If you are new to Android and looking for a way to test some of the currently available Android applications, here is how to proceed : 1. First get the GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App and unzip it somewhere on your hard drive

2. Add SDK_ROOT to your system variables pointing to /tools folder under the sdk

3. Run the emulator

4. Copy the GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App file to /tools folder

5. Change directory to /tools and run from commandline $adb install your_application.apk

6. Now check applications list in the emulator and you should see the new application installed and ready.

Some pointed me to the error message when running adb on windows : * deamon still not running * error: no device.

In this case try to shutdown adb server and start it manually using : $adb kill-server

$adb start-server

You can test if deamon is working by running $adb shell

The uninstall procedure is

$adb shell rm your_application.apk

Hope this help, enjoy GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App!

 GO Keyboard v0.4.2
Requirements: all Android versions
Overview: GO Keyboard can make your typing fast and smart. It is a must choice of Android mobile phone.

Main features:
1.Predict in multiple languages and keyboard layouts
2.Has accurate dictionaries
3.Smart to set skin and back ground
4.Import contacts
5.Import SMS To user dictionary
*Auto-memory and correct as you type
*Multi-point touch keyboard

**Start GO Keyboard
First: after download GO Keyboard, go into the “menu”, find out “language and keyboard” in settings, choose GO keyboard.
Second: long press any input box until popup a menu, choose “Input method”, choose “GO Keyboard”

**Gesture support:
Swipe left or right to switch layouts
Swipe down to close the keyboard

Supported languages:
German (DE)
French (FR)
Spanish (ES)
Italian (IT)
Portuguese (PT)
Greece (EL)
Slovakia (SK)
Finland (FI)
Denmark (DA)
Simplified Cangjie(ZH)
Korean (KO)
Hebrew (HEB)
Arabic (AR)
There will be more multiple languages that we are going to predict.
More fascinating, more freedom is our destination.
If you have any question or suggestion, please contact us by email, thank you!

GO Keyboard keyboard gokeyboard Keyboard Input Method Editor input IME GO Touch GO Dev Team GO Launcher Ex GO SMS GO Weather gosms key gocontacts contact dictionary voice input

1.(Add) Change font.
2.(Add) QWERTY keyboard T9 key.
3.(Add) Support Zhuyin hardkeyboard.
4.(Fix) Learn new word.(Setting->Input settings-> Record words)
5.(Fix) Password keyboard.(Eg:Use QWERTZ keyboard in password still is QWERTZ)

Download Instructions:

<input name="IL_RELATED_TAGS" type="hidden" value="1">/></input>

NB if You Confuse How to install GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App Download Now And How to Install the GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App

1. Copy the GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App into the Android phone's memory card and insert the memory card into the phone.

2. Download and install GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App on the GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App.

3. Once installed, GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App will display some APK file that is in the memory card.

4. Click the GO Keyboard 0.4.2 (v0.4.2) Android Apk App APK file you want to install. Done.


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